Princeton University, SoA,
Spring 2019

Monica Ponce de Leon
Cameron Wu

This public k-12 school project is thought to be located in Trenton NJ. Offering classrooms, bathrooms, gyms, recess spaces, a theater, tennis courts, cantinas, and plenty of outdoor space, this project does not only contribute to the teachers and students but offers a large open and accessible park area in between the buildings for public use.

To limit the footprint of the school buildings, both theater and gym are sunken into the ground. Tennis courts are distributed over the roof area of several blocks. Each classroom offers at least one wall with windows, and close proximity to restrooms. The playgrounds are elevated from the ground, only accessible through the corridors in the upper level of the school, offering a safe play and recreation space for students. Simultaneously, those artificial landscapes offer shading and weather protection for some outdoor meeting and theater spaces beneath. Through the load bearing structure on the façade of the buildings it is able to allow for large windows, expansive circulation, and the additional suspended playground structures. While most of the ground floor is publicly accessible, several entry points with administrational office spaces allow easy access for students and visitors.

© Copyright Simon Lesina-Debiasi 2020